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Project Summary

Biomimicry and carbon adsorbent eco-materials for a climate neutral economy

Project Milestones

2023 - First Year

Biomimicry pre-concepts & methodologies

Work performed & Main Results

The first year of the CSTO2NE project has bring a strong foundation for collaboration and innovation in developing eco-materials for a climate-neutral economy.

Through diligent coordination, management, and active engagement of consortium members, the project is well-positioned to achieve its technical & innovation objectives in the coming years.

4 priority use cases were defined, and research and development work was carried out.


  • DarkCo2: Utilizing industrial by-products, hardened with Accelerated Carbonation Technology (ACT), for construction materials;

  • CircaBuild: Developing high-performing aggregates that minimize carbon footprint without sacrificing quality;

  • Phytomining: Using plants to extract metals and minerals from polluted soil, serving both decontamination and mining purposes.

  • Microplastic Capture: Filtering microplastics from wastewater to prevent ocean pollution.

More details to come : stay tuned.

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