Scientific Publications
Biomimicry and Carbon Adsorbent Eco-materials for a
Climate-neutral Economy
Impact of microwave radiation on recycled concrete powder in cement-based materials: Structure, hydration activity and mechanism
The utilization of recycled concrete powder (RCP) in cement-based materials was greatly limited by its low reactivity. This work aimed to activate the activity of RCP by microwave radiation. The effects of microwave radiation at different power (300–800 W) on the grindability, phase assemblage, microstructure and activity index of RCP were studied. Subsequently, 30% RCP was incorporated into cement paste to prepare RCP-PC pastes. The setting time and compressive strength of blended pastes were tested, and the microstructure and hydration products of hardened pastes were also investigated by SEM and TG. Results show that microwave radiation not only promoted the dissociation of RCP particles, but also induced the amorphous transition of crystalline phases in RCP. As a result, the grindability and activity index of RCP were significantly improved. When subjected to microwave radiation at 800 W, the activity index of RCP was increased from 53% to 75% at 7 d and from 59% to 79% at 28 d, respectively. Furthermore, compared to the cement paste with raw RCP, the initial and final setting time of the microwave activated RCP-PC paste was shortened, and the early compressive strength was enhanced. This work was expected to develop a novel method for the activation of RCP, thus promoting its recycling and utilization in cement-based materials.
Autors: Shixuan Zhang, Hongbo Tan, Lei Yang, Shuqiong Luo ​
State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architecture, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, 430070, China
Henan Key Laboratory of Materials on Deep-Earth Engineering, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, 454003, China
Thesis: Development of waste-based magnesium cement for CO2 capture and storage
This doctoral thesis presents the development of a novel Carbonated Reactive Magnesia Cement (CRMC) for the production of precast building materials. The research objectives centred on the co-utilisation of industrial, mineral, and non-mineral wastes, along with CO2 mineralisation, to enhance the sustainability of construction practices. This study encompassed a comprehensive investigation of various influencing factors of CRMC synthesis, including accelerated carbonation curing conditions, mixture designs, and production methodology. Through a critical review of the literature and joint systematic experimentation aimed at refining manufacturing methods and improving mixture designs, the research achieved a substantial understanding of the feasibility of incorporating a wide range of waste materials into CRMC. Furthermore, the study sought to explore the use of waste as a partial substitute for industrial-grade magnesia, with the aim of enhancing the ecological profile of CRMC-based materials. The research outcomes have significantly contributed to the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in the field of CRMC-based materials, the utilisation of waste in construction, and the development of precast materials with capacity of CO2 mineralisation and co-utilisation of various waste sources. In conclusion, it is apt to state that this thesis aligns with a global trend aiming for a more environmentally-friendly and resource-efficient construction industry, offering a possible alternative to traditional Portland cementbased materials.

Carbonatación acelerada de residuos industriales para su utilización en construcción
Revisión de residuos industriales utilizados para la captura de CO2 y su utilización en construcción que han sido objeto de estudio dentro del proyecto CSTO2NE. Hacemos un repaso al trabajo realizado y en curso, con énfasis en la carbonatación acelerada con CO2 gaseoso y CO2 supercrítico de cementos base EAF slag (Electric Arc Furnace Slag).