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CO-design workshop 1 with CSTO2NE

Dernière mise à jour : 13 juin 2024

📆On July 6th, CSTO2NE hosted its first co-design workshop !

🇵🇱The workshop took place in Silesian University of technology in Gliwice, Poland.

💡For newbies, CSTO2NE is a European project that aims to develop new and innovative carbon absorbent technologies using biomimicry ! It’s a 4 year program funded by the EU 🇪🇺, that wil allow team members to travel and work with their partners across Europe.

🎯The aim of this meeting was to brainstorm on major subjects of the project : waste management and upcycling 🗑️, carbon absorbent technologies 🧱 and sustainable business models. 🌿

In the morning we focused on the different kinds of waste, the amount, treatment and collect solutions across Europe, with the contribution of each part with its country expertise. We also presented carbon absorbent technologies developed in the University of Beira Interior (UBI), and brainstormed on the kind of materials we wanted to design with CSTO2NE. University of Lleida (UDL) and Center of Plants Biotechnology of Beira Interior (CBPBI) also introduced their work in relation to the project.

In the afternoon, a brainstorming session took place on use cases and business models for them, led by University Polytechnic of Madrid. 🇪🇸

Talks and exchanges were accompanied with lunch and dinner with all participants (except for the remote ones), as well as a visit of the university and of industrial factories . 🥘 🍻

Follow us on social media for more about the project !


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